

When developing design monitoring systems based on the acoustic emission method, the dynamic properties of the entire AE signal path, which are related to fast processes, are important. The corresponding mathematical models must be used to consider the dynamics of the measurement system channels. In addition, it is necessary to provide the possibility of a detailed analysis of acoustic emission signals with the definition of a certain set of their parameters, such as amplitude, pulse steepness, duration, etc. The vector of such parameters is a signal portrait that can be used to solve monitoring and diagnostics problems. Providing for the possibility of solving the problem of restoring the sensor input signal (true acoustic emission signal) based on the values of the output (measured) signal, it is also advisable to obtain equivalent representations of the sensor model in the form of transfer functions and integral equations. The paper considers the issues of developing numerical algorithms for signal processing to identify measurement channels, restore sensor input signals, and determine their parameters. A method and a set of calculation expressions for identifying the signal transmission path, and a method for identifying a sensor based on an integral dynamic model are proposed.

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