

Rectification processes, which are considered complex technological processes, and the development of structures of intelligent systems for controling the work of rectification devices and columns, which serve to organize them, were considered. The need to build intelligent control systems is based on the fact that the progress of the rectification process is affected by a large number of factors, including temperature, pressure, consumption, temperature difference, concentration of mixtures, properties of light and heavy volatile components. The structure of an intelligent control system based on the situational control method for rectification devices is proposed. The architecture of the proposed intelligent control system for the rectification process is shown to consist of a Knowledge Engineer (Expert) block, Expert System, Simulator and Evaluation modules. The article also proposes the structure of an intelligent control system for complexes that can operate effectively even in conditions of uncertainty, random external disturbances, unpredictable changes in the applied influences, and sharp changes in the operational characteristics of the rectification complex and environmental parameters, as well as the structure of an intelligent control system based on IoT technologies.

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