

Analyzes the principles of the development of microprocessor-based intelligent measurement and control systems that operate based on fuzzy logic rules. Using the possibilities of microprocessor intelligent systems, methods of automatic adjustment of the selected regulator are based on the dynamic model of the object, using the example of the process of optimal displacement of cyanide solutions.

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1. R.G.Djekson, V. V. Luchinina, “Noveyshie datchiki” [New sensors], Moskva: Izd-vo TEHNOSFERA, 207, 375p. (in Russian)

2. E.H.A.Mamdani, S.Assilian, “An experiment in linguistic synthesis with a fuzzy logic controller” Int. J. Man-Mach.Stud, vol. 7. pp. 1-13. 1975.

3. V.V.Denisenko “Komp'yuterny'e upravlenie tehnologicheskim processom, e`ksperimentom, oborudovaniem” [Computer control of technological process, experiment, and equipment], Moskva: Izd-vo Goryachaya liniya-Telekom, 2009, 593p. (in Russian)

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