Volume 2018, Issue 1 (2019) SPECIAL ISSUE 1-2
Carbonate-ammonium nitrate and rheological properties of its melts
N.Yo Juraev, Sh.S Namazov, A.A Mamataliev, and A.R Seytnazarov
Investigation of magnesium containing and calcium ammonium nitrate obtainment process
A.A Nabiev, A.M Reymov, Sh.S Namazov, and B.M Beglov
Limits of existence of the state layer by liquefaction of heterogeneous mixture “solid body-solid body”.
A.Sh Abdullaev, N.A Annaev, Kh.S Nurmuhamedov, and S.K Nigmadjanov
Sulfo aluminate-silicate cement based on phosphogypsium
N.E Shamadinova, Kh.A Adinaev, and T.A Atakuziev
Extraction of dog rose seed with supercritical carbon dioxide
J. Hasanov, . A Berdiev, Zhang Miansong, and Zhang Yu
Evaluation of the efficiency of various deemulgators in the destruction of the water-efficient emulsion of mingbulak petrol
K.K Sharipov and J.A Haydarov
Calculation of the rate of entrainment in three-phase fluidization with solid non-uniform mixtures
A.Sh Abdullaev, O.Sh Temirov, and Kh.S Nurmuhamedov
Resershese fire wood for production building konstruction
U.I Rustamov, A.J Khabibullaev, and B.A Mukhamedgaliev
Optimization of the method of synthesis of thermoplastic copolymers based on acrylic and vinyl monomers for shoe suspended materials
A.T Ibragimov, A.Z Mamatov, and D.M Maxmanov
Receiving import-substituting adsorbents on the basis of charcoal
R.A Paygamov, D.J Jumayeva, Sh.A Kuldasheva, and I.D Eshmetov
The condensing polymeric compositions on the basis of akrilat and polysaccharides
K.A Ravshanov and B. Olimov
Development of technology on the hydrochloric-, nitric- and sulfuric acid processing of low-grade phosphorites of Central Kyzylkum
T.I Nurmurodov, A.U Erkaev, and B.Kh Kucharov
Estimation of quality and safety of honey of ukraine in accordance with international criteria
L.V Bal-Prylypko, O.A Lesnestkaya, V.O Ushkalov, and O.V Volosyanka
Mathematical models of the new induction sensor of big currents
S.F Amirov and D.Sh Rustamov
Methodological aspects of continuous controlling and diagnostics traction electrical equipments using methods of spectral analysis
M.S Yakubov, Z.G Muxamedova, U.Sh Isroilov, and J.S Fayzullaev
Theoretical research and computer simulation of composite transistors made of a semiconductor material with the same of the forbidden band.
N.B Alimova and A.A Yarmukhamedov
Method of calculation of static regime of rectification columns for optimization of constructive and technological parameters on MathCAD Prime 3.0.
D.P Muxitdinov and Yo.B Kadirov
Imitation model of the chemical reactor control system
I.H Siddiqov and S.B Atajonova
The systems concept to mathematical process modeling of carbonization
I.H Siddikov, Z.E Iskandarov, and D.B Yadgarova
The choice of the optimal mode of discharge of the resirvoir water
Yu.G Shipulin, B.G Zayniddinov, Z.A Zayniddinova, and I.R Jurakulov
Optimization of latent properties extraction and data processing of non-stationary objects on the basis of fuzzy genetic algorithms
I Jumanov, Z.T Bekmurodov, and U.Z Jumayozov
Process modeling of optimum mixing of cyanic solutions with use of intellectual systems of measurement on a basis to a fuzzy logic
O.A Jumayev, A.A Akhmatov, and G.B Makhmudov
Steady synthesis algorithms of the adaptive observers in control systems dynamic objects
H.Z Igamberdiyev and A.H Rasulev
The algorithm of classification of medical data in space of the informative signs with use of functions of range and closeness
M.M Kamilov, A.H Nishanov, and G.P Dzhurayev
Work of firewall in special filtration of traffic
M.M Karimov, Sh.R Gulyamov, and S.M Sagatova
Analysis of the mathematical methods for determination information parameter described by Gauss's function
O.O Zaripov and G.Sh Abidova