Generalized mathematical models of a new high current induction sensor are developed, taking into account the distribution of electrical and magnetic parameters of the modulation circuits and the measured current, as well as the nonlinearity of the main magnetization curve. It is shown that the magnetic flux in the modulation magnetic circuit is unstable along the magnetic circuit and has a maximum value at the magnetic neutral point, and with an increase in the magnetic field attenuation coefficient in the magnetic flux, the flux is unstable and the magnetic flux in the magnetic circuit with the current being converted is distributed nonlinearly and changes its sign at the point of the magnetic neutral, and with an increase in the damping coefficient of the magnetic field, the degree of nonlinearity of the magnetic flux distribution along the magnetic chain increases.
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Recommended Citation
Amirov, S.F and Rustamov, D.Sh
"Mathematical models of the new induction sensor of big currents,"
Chemical Technology, Control and Management: Vol. 2018:
1, Article 14.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34920/2018.1-2.75-84