

The chemical composition, strength and dissolution rate of carbonate-ammonium nitrate granules, obtained based on melt of ammonium nitrate and limestone, were determined in the research. The rheological properties of the carbonate-ammonium nitrate melts at the ratios NH4NO3: CaCO3 = 100: (5-80) and at temperatures 160-185°C were studied. It was shown that density and viscosity of the melt significantly magnifying with increasing in it amounts of limestone. Melt viscosity is more responsive on temperature changes whereas density is changes slightly. The lowest density and viscosity has melt obtained from limestone of the Zhamansay deposit. Melts of carbonate-ammonium nitrate in a wide range of NH4NO3 : CaCO3 ratios and temperatures have sufficiently good fluidity and they can be easily granulated in a granulation tower by prilling.

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