

The article examines the improvement of the method for obtaining a fuzzy and fuzzy-stable solution to incorrect problems arising in the construction of a model for estimating the state of weakly formalizable processes using various membership functions based on the theory of fuzzy sets. The proposed method makes it possible to construct a correct fuzzy model of weakly formalizable processes.

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2. R.A,Aliev, R.R.Aliev, “The theory of intelligent systems”, Baku: Publishing House "Chashyolgy", 2001. 720 p.

3. D.T.Mukhamedieva, “Evolutionary algorithms for solving multicriteria optimization problems”, Publishing house "Palmarium Academic Publishing". AV Akademikerverlag GmbH & Co.KG HeinrichBöckingStr. 68, 66121 Saarbrucken, Germany, 2015, 262 p.

4. T.F.Bekmuratov, D.T.Mukhamedieva, “Fuzzymultiple models of adoption of weakly structured solutions”, Publishing house "Palmarium Academic Publishing". AV Akademikerverlag GmbH & Co.KG HeinrichBöckingStr. 68, 66121 Saarbrucken, Germany. 2015. 172 p.

5. D.Т.Мukhamedieva, Kh.A.Primova, “Approach to problem solving multicriterial optimization with fuzzy aim International”, Journal of Mathematics and Computer Applications Research (IJMCAR) ISSN(P): 22496955; ISSN(E): 22498060 Vol. 4, Issue 2, USA. 2014, pp. 55-68 Impact Factor (JCC): 4.2949

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Engineering Commons



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