Volume 2018, Issue 3 (2019) SPECIAL ISSUE 4-5
Multi-criterial optimization of information granules in fuzzy If-Then rules.
R.A Aliev, O.H Huseynov, and Nigar E. Adilova
Advantages of analytic solutions of sentience cloud platform.
N.R Yusupbekov, Somakumaran Sujith, Narwadkar Anand, F.R Abdurasulov, and F.T Adilov
The system of full-scale modelling of movable object with an operator in the control loop.
A.F Verlan and V.A Fedorchuk
Sustainable estimation of parameters and covariation of disturbance vectors in uncertain systems.
H.Z Igamberdiyev and U.F Mamirov
Cloud system of pilot production management based on internet of things.
Michail V. Ovsiannikov, Serguey A. Podkopaev, and Valery B. Tarassov
Construction of fuzzy risk assessment models.
T.F Bekmuratov and B.T Solieva
The system individualized principles of management of technologies of field husbandry.
V.A Korolev, A.M Bashilov, and Z.O Eshmuradov
Analysis challenge protection of information from attacks and construction of a formal model for protecting network traffic.
M.M Karimov and Sh.R Gulomov
Measured property of objects in analytical measurements.
B.M Ahmedov, R.A Ibragimov, and A.S Rashidov
Formalization of tasks of synthesis of intellectual control systems of technological processes of high-speed railway transport.
Baratov . Dilshod, Aripov Nazirjon, and Ruziev Davron
Intelligent information-measuring systems with sensors based on diffraction grating.
М.А Urakseev, К.V Vazhdaev, and А.R Sagadeev
Modeling and research of circuitsof intelligent sensors and measurement systemswith distributed parameters and values.
I. Siddikov, Kh. Sattarov, and H. Khujamatov
Facility location problem by using fuzzy topsis method.
Kamala. Aliyeva
Sustainable algorithms for synthesis of local-optimal adaptive dynamic object management systems.
H.Z Igamberdiyev, J.U Sevinov, A.N Yusupbekov, and O.O Zaripov
Nonlinear dynamics with chaotic processes in biotechnology and genetic engineering.
M.A Ismailov, M. Saidalieva, and M.B Hidirova
Using of sentience platform for integration of intelligent systems and devices into cloud.
N.R Yusupbekov, Somakumaran Sujith, Narwadkar Anand, T.T Jurayev, and Sh.B Sattarov
Algorithm for optimization of the membership function of the fuzzy control model on the basis of the probabilistic approach.
I.Kh Siddikov, S.T Yunusova, and R.N Izmaylova
Building indicators of sustainable development with the use of multi-criteria decision making methods.
V.B Britkov, R.D Zaitsev, R.A Perelet, and G.V Royzenson
Problems of developing the multi agent systems in the tasks of management technological processes and productions.
Sh.M Gulyamov, S.S Kasimov, N.B Usmanova, and D.A Mirzaev
Occurrent system of assessment of quality of corporate information computing network.
M. Sapaev, Z.Z Nigmatov, M.O Atajonov, and Х.А Bahrieva
A Z-number valued analytical hierarchy process.
Lala M. Zeinalova
Formation an informative description of objects.
Sh.X Fazilov and N.S Mamatov
Method for diagnostic of permanent-magnet electrical machines.
F.R Ismagilov, V.Ye Vavilov, and V.V Ayguzina
Optimization of forecast of non-stationary objects based on fuzzy model adapters at external information influence.
O.I Djumanov and S.M Kholmonov
Principles of management of agrotechnological systems.
V.A Korolev, A.M Bashilov, V.N Toporkov, and Z.O Eshmurodov
Intelligent control technology, the reliability of the measuring information.
Sh.M Gulyamov, B.M Temerbekova, and N.X Bobomurodov
Fuzzy task of rational distribution resources of dynamic programming.
O.M Ismailov and M.M Fozilova
Automation of the calculation of uncertainty measurements.
O.Sh Khakimov and G.A Gaziyev
Expanding the possibilities of instruments to improve the information reliability of electronic documents of industrial management systems.
I.I Jumanov and Kh.B Karshiev
Models of multi-ordinary mechatronic models of intellectual robots.
H.N Nazarov and N.R Matyokubov
Method of solving incorrect tasks formed by construction of fuzzy models assessing the weakly formallized processes.
D.T Muxamediyeva and X.A Primova
Mathematical modeling of a gas burner of combustion of natural gas in glass furnaces.
N.X Bobomurodov and U.U Holmanov
Electrochemical method of measuring the antioxidant activity of compounds of phenol nature.
V.Kh Shamsutdinova
Equations and transfer functions of main elements of a multi-motorized automated electric drive of pumping unit.
M.M Khamudkhanov and Sh.B Umarov
Information-algorithmic support of decision-making in problems of primary processing of cotton-raw processes.
D.A Khalmatov, G.R Alimova, Kh.B Mirzaakhmedova, and U.O Khujanazarov
Virtual analyser of quality of liquid products.
U.A Ruziev and M.K Shodiev
System of adaptive control of technological parameters of production of soda.
N.U Uteuliev, N.S Yakubova, K.I Usmanov, and D.B Yadgarva
Application of wavelets for forming discrete selections of continuous signals.
H.N Zaynidinov, M.B Zaynutdinova, and I. Yusupov
Realization of optical modulators for fiber optic sensors.
A.M Nazarov, M.M Xasanov, A.B Jabborov, and U.D Yusupova
The intellectual system of automatic control at enrichment of technogenic waste in the fluidized layer.
B.I Yunusov, A.A Artiqov, I.I Yunusov, and F.O Qosimov
Informational effective contact measuring transducers for modern control and management systems in the agricultural sphere.
A.M Plakhtiev and E.V Ivanova
Developing a multi-purpose moisture meter on ultra high frequency.
Kh.A Usmanova and A. Turgunbaev
About optimization technological process of primary cotton raw processing.
N.Z Kamalov, J.N Kamalov, Kh.N Kamalov, and S.N Kamalov