

The paper considers models and mechanisms of resource allocation that are interpreted in a meaningful way either as problems of allocating costs for the implementation of a common project (program) between participants (investors) interested in this project, or as problems of distributing income or profits received from joint activities of several participants. Agents can be legal entities and individuals, as well as federal and local governments. Various mechanisms of distribution of costs (incomes) are given-priority, competitive, fair play mechanisms, etc.

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1. V.N.Burkov, B.Danev, A.K.Enaleev, and others. “Large systems: modeling of organizational mechanisms”, Moscow: Nauka, 1989.

2. VN Burkov, B.Danev, A.K.Enaleev, T.B.Naneva, L.D.Podvalny, B.S.Yusupov, “Competitive mechanisms in the problems of distribution of limited resources”, Avvol. atika i Telemekhanika, no 11, pp. 142-153, 1988.

3. V.N.Burkov, A.K.Enaleev, D.A.Novikov, “Mechanisms of the functioning of socioeconomic systems with information reporting” Auvol. ation and Telemechanics, 1996, no 3, pp. 3-25.

4. V. Burkov, D. Novikov, “Introduction to the theory of active systems”, Moscow: IPP RAS, 1996. 125 p.

5. Moilin H., Shеpker S. Sеriаl cost sharing Есоpоtetrica, 1992. Vol. 60,N 5. P 10091037. Burkov V.N., Gorgidze II, Novikov DA, Yusupov B.S. Models and mechanisms of distribution of costs and incomes in a market economy. Preprint. Moscow: Institute for Control Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1997. 58 p

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