

On the basis of the system-structural approach the formalized multilevel structure of information interaction technological to operation at the clap-raw processing, allowing to present in the uniform form set diverse the information and providing uniform information base for technological monitoring at decision-making support. Situational models of process of functioning of the technological units, considering multi-variant approach of modes of functioning of the units corresponding to various industrial situations are developed. Algorithms of a choice of rational operating modes of technological units on the basis of the analysis of the generalised parametres corresponding to production schedules and operating modes of units are developed.

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2. I.G.Chernorutsky, “Decisionmaking Methods”, Sank Peterburg: BHVPeterburg, 2005, 456 p.

3. N.U.Setmetov, “Algorithmization of process of acceptance of administrative decisions in manufacture of primary processing of a clapraw Chemical technology”, Control and management. Tashkent, no. 5, pp. 87-90, 2011.

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