

transforming circuits of intelligence transducer, current sensors - transducers, research input and output signals of intelligent sensors and measurement systems

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1. I.Kh.Siddikov, A.Kh.Abdulaev, M.K.Bobojanov, “Perfection and development of sensor controls and measuring transducers on a basis of information energetics model” WCIS 2002. Collection of the works, II World conf. 45 June 2002 y. b Quadrat Verlag, Azerbaijan State Oil Aсadеmy, Azerbaijan, Baku, рр. 310-315, 2002.

2. I.Kh.Siddikov, F.D.Nazarov, J.F.Gafurov, B.A.Gaziev, M.Kh.Khakimov “Energy management and energy audit in energy sector of”, Republic Uzbekistan Control of power system 04: Thesis’s VI int. conf. June 16-18 2004, Slovak Rep., High Taras, Strbske Pleso, рр. 230-235, 2004.

3. Siddikov I.Kh., Khakimov M.Kh., Anarbaev M., Bedritskiy I.M., “Research of the electromagnetic transdusers of the primary current to secondary voltage Science and Education”, Materials of the II International Research and practice conference, vol. 1, Publishing office of «Vela Verlag Waldkraiburg», Munich, Germany, Decembеr, 18-19, рр. 222-225, 2012.

4. I.Kh.Siddikov, M.Kh.Khakimov, M.A.Anarbaev, “Research of the Electromagnetic transducers of the primary current to secondary voltage” Mejd. nauchn. Jurnal «Nauka, obrazovanie, tehnika», Ky'rgizskoUzbekskiy universitet, Osh, no. 3,4(4142), pp. 55-58, 2012.

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