Volume 2018, Issue 2 (2019)
Processing off-balanced ore from central kyzylkum in enriched superphosphate and ammophosphate fertilizers
А.А Rasulov, О.А Badalova, Sh.S Namazov, А.R Seytnazarov, and B.М Beglov
To a question of classification of the processed raw materials and the products sold on their basis according to the product range of externally economy activity
R.K Murzayev, A.T Dzhalilov, M.R Sodikova, M.K Abdumavlyanova, and Z.A Tadzhikhodzhayev
Receiving selective carbon adsorbents for selective cleaning of the distilled glycerin
D.D Savriyeva, D.S Salikhanova, I.D Eshmetov, A.A Abdurakhimov, and F.N. Agzamova
The distribution of impurities along the height of the conical part of the hydrocyclone in the purification of hydrocarbons
A.A. Khudaiberdiev, A.M. Hurmamatov, and O.Yu Ismailov
Analysis of synthetic dyes in the ketchup and tomato paste
A.P Pasovsky, А.А Begunov, and B.M Axmedov
Analytic description of the magnetic permeability of the core of magnetoelastic force sensors against mechanical voltage
S.F Amirov and K.K Jurayeva
Cotton picker's spindle speed control by measuring sensoe frequency
E.U Uljaev and U.M Ubaydullaev
Theoretical research and computer simulation of composite transistors made of a semiconductor material with different width of forbidden zone
N.B Alimova and A.A Yarmukhamedov
Regularized algorithms of adaptive assessment of state of control objects with parametric perturbation account
Х.Z Igamberdiyev and D.T Kadirov
Development of the multicoupling dynamic model of process of extraction of phosphoric acid on the basis of an artificial neural network
D.P Mukhitdinov, F.A Ergashev, and A.V Schultz
Regular algorithms of local-optimal stabilization of control objects with incomplete information
U.F Mamirov
Methods of optimizing data processing based on fuzzy correction of time series elements and variable identification models
I.I Jumanov and Z.T Bekmurodov
Information mathematical model of diagnosing of the operational mode of the tractive electromotor
M.S Yakubov and J.S Fayzullayev